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Saturday, 17 December 2016

Success tip.

There is something Shiv Khera said that I can never forget. He said "winners don't do different things. They do things differently". Many people have been doing things the same way for some time now and still expect a totally different result. Try the same thing another way and you will get a different result. 

The major difference between winners and losers is attitude. Your mindset determines wether you are gonna succeed or not. There is no way you can succeed if you don't position your mind towards success. How would you dream of winning when you don't even believe in yourself. Whatever you think about affects you. If you think of yourself a winner already, you'll see yourself winning, and if you think of yourself not able to make it, nothing can ever make you successful. Have you ever wondered why in a race you'll see someone who is not even good enough, winning the race? What causes that is ATTITUDE! 

Whatever you can imagine, you can achieve (through hard work and persistence). I don't believe there is anything like luck. If you don't work hard don't ever think of making it in life. If you don't do things in your own way, you can't succeed. Winners see opportunities even in the midst of impossibility. Winners are limitless because they know that the only thing that can limit them is themselves. If you can conquer yourself, then you are limitless. The only person
that can persuade you is yourself. The only person that can convince you so easily is yourself. Winners never allow their misfortune to weigh them down rather they turn them to inspiration to fuel their engine. Everything in life has two
sides, don't view from just one side and conclude. Don't just conclude from one side that what is written is 6 because
you'll be surprised to find out that its 9 from the other side. An impossibility you are looking at is a possibility when it's turned inside out. The real meaning of misfortune is MISSED FORTUNE, besides that there is nothing like misfortune. Visit the record of people that have succeeded in the past and you'll find out there is something common among them, likewise, if you visit the record of people that are regarded as failures, you'll also find out there is something common among them. Incompetent work man always blame his tools.
Each time you fail, don't blame anyone rather, take your time to have a review of the steps you took. Find out those places
you missed it, do some corrections and forge ahead, you'll soon be celebrated.

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